Membership Application
1 A $20 non-refundable registration fee is due at initial sign-up ($10 discount for siblings and returning members).
2 Returning Member is a member with one (1) or more months gap between enrollment.
3 Tuition is a flat monthly fee. Most months have four (4) or five (5) weeks, and, on rare occasions, three (3 to 2) weeks when in observance of major national holidays.
4 Membership guarantees a regular weekly practice time with your teacher.
5 As a service to our valued members, we provide: one annual performance opportunity. Educational material, music books, and other accessories are additional cost.
6 Membership Tuition $70 is due monthly on the first of each month.
7 A $25 late fee will be charged for payment received after the 10th of each month.
8 A $25 fee will be charged for each returned check
Cancellation Policy
1 Membership may be cancelled with a month notice before the 1st of the month by filling our cancellation form (A $40 returning student registration fee will be required to re-enroll).
2 Cancellation will be effective as of the month next tuition is due. You may withdraw the cancellation at any time before it takes effect.
3 Vocielesti Children’s Choir does not provide tuition refund under any circumstances except when it was paid yearly and prorated tuition will be refunded.